Friday, 29 April 2011

Wednesday 27th April 2011:

I wanted to think of an easier way to create the 3D type letters for the word ‘ugly’, and came across some blocks of foam, which I thought would work well. Cutting out the letters was much easier and I think that if I covered the edges, etc, with black card they would actually work really well. If I decided to use 3D type on my final piece, I will keep this in mind.

I also completed the toothpaste visual, which I think looks quite effective and unique, which possibly engages the viewer more. Perhaps the writing could have been written onto a drawn twisting line of toothpaste coming out of the tube to make it look more like toothpaste, however, I think that this still works well and makes it easier to read. I also added the words ‘think before you speak!’ down the side of the page to make sure that the message is given out clearly. I don’t think I would use this particular ‘toothpaste’ idea in my final pieces, as it’s quite ‘childish’ and would be hard to relate to bullying from a quick glance. However, I could explore the concept further which could make my posters, etc, more interesting.

I then went on to sketch a few final poster ideas in my sketchbook. I wanted to explore the sentence ‘calling me ugly, won’t make you beautiful’ further and so came up with a few alternatives. These were: calling me ugly won’t make you good looking, calling me fat won’t make you thin, calling me stupid won’t make you clever, calling me a geek won’t make you cool and calling me a loner won’t make you popular. These are more ‘unisex’ than ‘calling me ugly won’t make you beautiful’, and so may work better, however, I still feel that perhaps this one gives out the strongest message about the un-necessity of bullying. Also, I’m not too sure about the idea of ‘calling me fat won’t make you thin’, as this could give the wrong idea and could lead to promoting eating disorders, etc. The sentence ‘calling me stupid won’t make you clever’ could also work well because this also relates to when someone tries to act ‘clever’ by being mean to others and so could be read and interpreted in more than one way.

I then drew these out as poster ideas, which I will continue with tomorrow. I think they will be more useful and effective if I add different materials to make them more interesting and to explore what different materials I could use.

Target for today: Continue with 3D type and toothpaste illustration, and sketch out lots of ideas for both the victim and the bully posters, in sketchbook.

Target for tomorrow: Continue with sketching out ideas for both the victim and the bully posters, in sketchbook.

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