Friday, 29 April 2011

Friday 22nd April 2011:

Today, I continued with the sewing piece using a range of sewing materials. I created the word bullying’ in a way as to make it slightly padded. I wanted this particular word to stand out more than the others, and I think that this has worked out quite well. It may be slightly hard to read, but this may help to engage the viewer more to see what the sentence says.

I also used embroidery thread to create thicker lines. The section ‘can last for life’ is quite hard to read unless you really concentrate so perhaps this could’ve been produced to a higher standard and in a different, simpler, style of type. I will try and keep the rest of the sewing, etc, quite ‘linear’ so that it’s easier to read and perhaps think of unique materials to use to create this.

Target for today: Continue with sewing piece and annotate sketchbook further.

Target for tomorrow: Continue with sewing piece further using new materials and annotate sketchbook further.

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