Sunday 3rd April 2011:
I wanted to use some new materials to what I have been using and so decided to sew into a photocopy of one of my drawings. I used black, red, blue, grey and white thread as I thought that these colours would work well. I could probably add more to this, but I think that so far it is quite effective.
I have created the words ‘stop bullying’ on the arm using red thread and perhaps this could represent the victim carving this into their skin as a result of self-harming. I think this gives quite a strong but subtle message, which is quite effective.
I have also created little crosses to maybe signify that bullying is wrong but it could also represent stitching up any ‘harm’ which could’ve been created either by the bully or the victim themselves. I quite like this and think that it would be even more effective with more stitching and sewing as it’s different but makes an impact in the right way.
I also like how when held up to the light, the light shines through all the little holes. This is really effective and perhaps I could explore this further within my work (and the effect of shadows as well as light).
Target for today: Work into another copy of my drawing ‘The Anthropomorphic Cabinet’ using thread and stitching to create new effects.
Target for tomorrow: Start coming up with ideas for the logo, letterhead and business card for my organisation and annotate sketchbook.
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