Thursday 21st April 2011:
I have now decided which photos I want to get developed, and so have sorted these into the correct sizes (some smaller than others), etc, ready for developing. I also annotated my sketchbook further and in more detail (relating to my research), so that I am (and others are) able to see the links I have made during the development process.
I really wanted to experiment with a material which I am not used to and hardly use to both challenge myself and hopefully create some new effects. Therefore I decided to choose a piece of information from my William Ransom Primary School notes to use to sew onto a piece of material. I decided to choose ‘They agreed that bullying can last for life and that verbal bullying can last longer than physical bullying’, as this is quite an interesting and strong message to received from Year 6’s. I then chose different fonts and type styles for each section and drew this out onto a piece of calico. I think that this will hopefully look quite effective and will make people want to read it. I also sewed the simple sentences using black thread to keep those parts simple, and I will continue to sew the rest of the piece tomorrow.
Target for today: Choose photos for developing and edit sizes, etc. Annotate sketchbook in detail further and begin to sew/stitch a piece as a response to the answers/comments given from the children at the primary school.
Target for tomorrow: Continue with sewing piece and annotate sketchbook further.
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