Saturday 23rd April 2011:
I found some ‘scoubiedoo’ strings, which people used to use at school to make bracelets, etc, and thought that these would be quite a unique (and relevant – relating to primary school, etc) material to use. They were quite hard to get used to sewing down into the right shape etc, but I think it’s turned out quite well because of how unique it is. It is quite hard to read though, so if I were to do it again I would consider using a simpler type style (and perhaps capital letters instead), etc, so that the piece of information is able to be given across clearly.
I then completed the rest of the piece using red thread for the ‘physical bullying’ with red beads to add some more tactile qualities to the piece. This has turned out quite well and is easy enough to read. Perhaps the whole piece would’ve looked better if created in a similar style to this section, as it’s still unique but a lot easier to read than some of the others parts.
I think the overall piece has turned out quite well and I tried to make it also resemble the nametags, which get sewn into children’s school clothes, and also to (in some ways) resemble the simple way which a child would sew (eg: small stitches). I could perhaps take photos of sewing like this and use this within my final pieces, however, I’m not too sure if this would look very effective.
Target for today: Continue with sewing piece further using new materials and annotate sketchbook further.
Target for tomorrow: Annotate sketchbook in detail relating back to research and considering how to develop each piece further.
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