Thursday 24th March 2011:
I evaluated my organisation name/ tagline ideas in my sketchbook today. So far my favourites are ‘Pick On Me’, ‘Pick Me Up’, ‘Victimeyes’, ‘Easy Target’ and ‘Sticks and stones’. ‘Pick On Me’ could be saying pick on me (the organisation) instead of on a victim and it’s quite a memorable name. ‘Pick Me Up’ relates to the phrase ‘pick me up’ which is something which makes you happy. I also like how it has the word ‘pep’ (like ‘pep talk’) in it. ‘Victimeyes’ is quite different and unique and could represent being a victim and having all eyes on you. It could also represent that the bully is being watched and that they should stop hurting the victim. It’s simple, but maybe too cliché and childish. ‘Easy Target’ represents the victim well, however, it may not relate directly to the actual bully, which the organisation also helps. ‘Sticks and Stones’ relates directly to bullying and most people will recognise this. It’s quite catchy as well. One that I’m not too sure about is ‘Beat It’ as this is maybe quite aggressive and ‘cheesy’, and it may promote the wrong message. Also, there is already an organisation called ‘Beat Bullying’, and so this may be too similar.
So far my two favourite tagline ideas are ‘Words will always help me’ and ‘You’re not alone’. I like words will always help me because it sounds like ‘words will never hurt me’, which relates to bullying and so people will know what the organisation is about, however, it may be too long. I also like ‘You’re not alone’ because this is one of the main things that the victim (and distressed bully) need to realise and shows that the organisation can help. It’s also catchy and not too cliché.
I also started looking through and recording the results from the completed questionnaires. I will continue with this tomorrow but so far I’ve found out that 17 out of 20 people (aged 18-20) have been bullied and that most of them have been bullied at primary and secondary school. This shows just how many children/ teenagers do get bullied within schools. Also, mainly ‘peers’ was answered to the question: Who do you feel bullies/ has bullied you the most? - showing that there were a lot of others their own age who bullied and that perhaps these people need to be helped just as much as the victim needs to be. Only 3 out of the 20 respondents were boys, and so I was surprised that most of the 17 people who had been bullied, had been bullied by both boys and girls. I would have expected that as most of the ‘victims’ were girls, they would mostly have been bullied by their own gender. One other result, which shocked me, was that they had all said that the bullying had been done in front of others. This shows that even when other people are there, the bully still picks on the victim – perhaps showing that many bystanders aren’t aware/ they’re too scared to help, and/ or that the bully bullies to impress others.
I also looked at the results for the part of the questionnaire where I asked for opinions on organisation name/ tagline ideas. They were able to tick two name ideas, and/ or suggest their own name. ‘Sticks and Stones’ had the most votes (11), with ‘Beat It’ and ‘Victimeyes’ next with 6 votes each. One suggestion was ‘Fight Back’. This is a good name, however like ‘Beat It’, it could promote aggression, which I don’t want to do. I think that ‘Sticks and Stones’ is the best name and I have decided to call my organisation this. For the tagline (where they were able to choose one idea and/ or suggest their own), ‘You’re not alone’ was the obvious choice, with 12 votes, and the other ideas only having 1 or 2 votes. I liked this tagline already and also feel that it goes well with ‘Sticks and Stones’, as it rhymes slightly – ‘Sticks and Stones. You’re not alone’. Therefore, I think that this is the tagline which I’m going to use.
Target for today: Look through questionnaires and start recording results and evaluate organisation name/ tagline ideas in sketchbook.
Target for tomorrow: Continue to record questionnaire results, add images of prints to sketchbook, and look through blog/ formative evaluation notes to see what ideas I have suggested but not yet pursued.
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