Monday, 7 March 2011

Friday 4th March 2011:

Today I bought a book from a charity shop to use as a sketchbook. When I saw a book about calligraphy I thought this would be good as I want to focus a lot on typography in my project and so when I prep my pages, I could have some of the page showing through. I decided to buy two of the same book because the book looks really interesting! I also found a book called ‘Bullying’ (second edition, published by ‘Financial Times Pitman Publishing, 1997) which looked really informative and seemed to have a wide range of information in it.

I started reading chapter 9, ‘What can be done about the bully’. I read about how the definitions of bullying vary, but that there are three essential elements that are always present. These were: the deliberate use of aggression, an unequal power relationship between the bully and the victim, and the causing of physical pain and/ or emotional distress. I found this quite interesting because I haven’t really thought about the elements that make up ‘bullying’. Perhaps if these three things are explored/ researched further a way can be found to reduce the amount of bullying that occurs. I also then read about how often bulling occurs, and a main result found was that it occurs a lot more in primary schools than secondary schools (but that the amount of bullies themselves doesn’t change much, mostly just the amount of victims). This shows me that maybe my main target audience should be the younger children as they are bullied more, and that I should also focus on the bullies and how to help them, because the numbers of bullies hardly reduces with the age (so it must be due to other reasons).

Target for today: Buy book to use as sketchbook and start reading a book about bullying for more information.

Target for tomorrow: Read more of ‘Bullying’ book and start prepping sketchbook pages.

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