Monday 28th March 2011:
Today, I created my screen-printing image (‘Some kid made me angry once, so I slammed her into a locker’) on tracing paper and prepared my screen which I will use for printing tomorrow. So far it looks quite effective, so hopefully it turns out well.
I also annotated more of my sketchbook pages so that I could reflect on ideas and think of how to develop these. For example, the idea of placing an image of a victim behind the tracing paper with my lino print on (which says, ‘I felt insecure, but didn’t fight back).
I also researched the effects of bullying/ what it can lead to, and specifically looked at eating disorders, psychotic illnesses and suicide. One fact, which I found quite shocking, was that 91% of teens surveyed said they had been bullied, and 46% said they believed that bullying had contributed to their eating disorder. (Beat - British charity survey). I also found out that in a journal, they have linked teen bullying with anxiety disorders (in victims of bullying) and antisocial personality disorder (in bullies themselves).
So far, after researching these effects, I want to focus on the eating disorder part, and particularly anorexia. I found an image by Salvador Dalí, ‘The Burning Giraffe’, with a really skinny lady in it with draws coming out of her body. Dalí described this as ‘a kind of allegory which serves to illustrate a certain insight, to follow the numerous narcissistic smells which ascend from each of our drawers’, and related this to Sigmund Freud’s theory, where Dalí says ‘…now filled with secret drawers only to be opened through psychoanalysis.’ This also relates to the psychology part of my project. I then decided to draw this image, which I will then photocopy and work into (eg: adding ‘emotions’ coming out of the draws or what they may have been called in order for them to become anorexic, etc).
Target for today: Research and study what bullying can lead to further, to see the effects of bullying, and produce images in sketchbook relating to these. Start screen-printing process. Annotate sketchbook pages to evaluate and reflect on work so far.
Target for tomorrow: Create various surfaces to screen-print on to. Work into own ‘Burning Giraffe’ images and prepare questions, etc, for tomorrow (for Head teacher at primary school).