Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Sunday 8th May 2011:

Today I mainly researched how I could display my work at the exhibition, as I want to have a light behind my posters to show through the cut out words. I first got this idea by holding my mini posters against my laptop screen, and so perhaps a screen would be a good option. I want the light to be a blue/white light and so a normal lamp wouldn’t really work. I also considered LED lights and one person suggested having strips of LED lights and then a frosted piece of Perspex to diffuse the light. This is quite a good idea and I could then stick my poster to this, giving it more strength. I think I will need to wait until I make a decision, and firstly see how my work could be displayed in the exhibition, before purchasing anything.

I then thought of the best way to create the 3D type (for the word ‘ugly’), for my poster. After trying both card and foam, I thought that I would need to use something stronger in order for the shape to stay. I came across some ‘oasis’ foam which I think will actually work quite well for this task.

I will keep researching how to best display my work, because this can be just as important as the work itself.

Target for today: Research lighting to backlight my posters and 3D letters to use on poster, look through research and include anything used in project to update visual reference folder, check through specification to check that I am meeting the requirements.

Target for tomorrow: Print out posters A2 size, annotate photo book and come up with ideas in sketchbook for fact/statistics sheet.

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