Sunday, 8 May 2011

Saturday 7th May 2011:

I decided that using my own handprint in my logo was a good idea and therefore decided to create some handprints (both using my hand and someone else’s hand to get a variety to choose from). I also tried the idea of having the writing in the middle/across the hand. This works quite well, but I’m not sure what it would look like on my final pieces and it might be too close to the other writing in the hand which might make it too complex. However, this brings it all together nicely, so I will need to think about this and try it out on my different pieces to see what looks better.

I also feel that the logo looks much better with my own handprint and that this makes it more personal. The hand also looks smaller making it seem more fragile and vulnerable but still aggressive enough to give the message of ‘stop’.

I then updated my poster designs so that the writing hadn’t been created by being typed out but by using my lino prints. I think that this looks a lot better and more personal as it includes more hand processes. Also, it adds a more ‘messy/rough’ effect which I think works well with the words on the poster. I have also changed some of the colours around so that ‘me’ and ‘you’ are in colour and the other in white. I think that this works well and puts more of an emphasis on these words, which is important.

I’ve also edited my ‘lost your voice?’ poster slightly. I have slightly changed the tears, etc, to make them look more realistic (it was suggested in the peer review that I ‘curve’ the tears slightly where they go down the cheek). I’ve also added ‘can’t speak up?’ to the top of the poster next to my logo and tagline. Overall, I think that this (and the other poster), works well and looks better with these improvements. Hopefully they will print out well and that the 3D type and cut out letters will also look good and ‘complete’ the posters nicely.

Target for today: Create handprints and incorporate with new logo design and update poster designs (with lino print and new logo, etc) ready for printing.

Target for tomorrow: Research lighting to backlight my posters and 3D letters to use on poster, look through research and include anything used in project to update visual reference folder, check through specification to check that I am meeting the requirements.

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